Our Staff

Pastor Doug Poffenberger, Senior Pastor

Pastor Doug has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture.  He has served at Needmore Bible Church for over thirty-five years.  He and his wife, Cathy, have three children and nine grandchildren.  Doug has ministered in Haiti, Brazil and throughout the United States.  He is passionate about missionary work and reaching the lost for Jesus Christ.

Pastor Brandon Hill, Associate Pastor

Pastor Brandon was called to preach God’s word in 2020 and has been serving the Needmore Bible Church ministry since 2022.  He has a strong belief in the power of the true Word of God and the Holy Spirit.  Brandon and his wife, Heather, along with their two daughters, feel blessed and excited to serve the community leading people to the freedom found in the salvation and maturity in Jesus Christ.

Chris Hill, Administrator

Chris keeps our church running, and with his artistic gifts he can even make us look good, too.  He and his wife, Amy, have 2 daughters, and their whole family is serving God in our church and community.

What We Believe

Needmore Bible Church stands within the tradition of historical, evangelical Christianity and has adopted the following articles of faith.  They are intended to summarize the basic doctrinal distinctives of Needmore Bible Church, but not to present a comprehensive statement of all Biblical doctrines.


1.    We believe that the Bible, as found in its original manuscripts and languages, composed of the thirty-nine (39) canonized books of the Old Testament and the twenty-seven (27) canonized books of the New Testament, constitutes the divinely inspired Word of God. The Bible is the only infallible, inerrant and final source of authority pertaining to all matters of faith and Christian living.


2.    We believe that there is only one true God as revealed in the Bible, co-existing eternally as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who all exclusively share in the creation and maintenance of the universe, redemption, and judgment.


3.    We believe that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God.  He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a substitute for sinners of all ages.  After His death on the cross, Jesus was buried and resurrected bodily from the grave. Jesus was taken up into heaven in the same body of His resurrection. He will personally and bodily return in visible manner to the earth.


4.    We believe that the Holy Spirit came forth from the Father and the Son to reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit regenerates those who are saved by imparting to them the resurrection life of Jesus. The Holy Spirit indwells and empowers those who are saved so that they may live godly lives, and actively demonstrate the love of Jesus to any who are in need. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to the saved with which to serve the church and reach out to a lost and needy world.


5.    We believe that God created the universe in six 24-hour days.  Mankind was created in the image of God, male and female. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably created each person as distinctly male and female.  These two distinct and complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God.  To reject one’s biological gender is a rejection of the image of God within that person and is a sin against God.  Because of Adam’s sin that image has been damaged in all human beings.  Since the original sin of Adam, the Fall, all people are born in sin with a sinful nature and are therefore unable to save themselves or remedy their lost condition.  All people must be saved (regenerated) before they can function in moral responsibility before God and fulfill the original purpose of creation.


6.    We believe that the Bible reveals the plan for God’s gift of salvation given to all who receive by faith the risen Jesus as Lord and Christ, whose atoning blood was shed on the cross for the forgiveness of sins.


7.    We believe that the Bible reveals that there are ultimately only two distinct classes of people—the saved and the lost. The saved are those who have received God’s only offer of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The lost are those who do not abide in the faith that Jesus Christ is God’s only provision of eternal salvation. Both the saved and the lost will participate in a resurrection and experience eternal existence. The saved will enjoy eternal bliss in heaven with God and His saints. The lost will suffer eternal punishment alone in hell, which is prepared for the devil and fallen angels.


8.    We believe that water baptism of believers by immersion and the Lord’s Supper are the only two ordinances established by the Lord Jesus Christ for the church.  Through the symbol of baptism, the believer spiritually identifies with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through the symbol of the Lord’s Supper, believers memorialize His death until He comes again in glory.


9.    We believe that Christians are to be separated from the world by consistent Christ-like conduct before God and man. Through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, Christians are made holy and become life-giving lights in the world.